Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Breastfeeding..It Rocks!

I came across this picture below a few months ago as it was trending on Facebook. It made me giggle as  I posted it on my wall and a few co-workers walls...(hehehe)

I wanted to share with you some shocking statistics that I came across when reading an article and another breastfeeding blog about some research done a few years back..
  • 75% of new moms in the US attempt to breastfeed
  • only about 33% of them continue to breastfeed until 3 months
  • only about 13% continue to breastfeed for 6 months
  • 50% of women felt pressured to stop breastfeeding before they wanted to (likely due to society, family, doctors)
  • 1 in 4 women are uncomfortable seeing women breastfeed in public
  • 18% of mom still believe that formula keeps a baby as healthy as breast milk
As an IBCLC these statistics kind of bothered me...I thought to myself, well why is this? Why is the breastfeeding initiation rate in the USA only 75%? Every Mom wants what's best for their baby right?

EDUCATION and SUPPORT are the 2 key are my tips to all you new moms to increase these statistic rates!
  • Take advantage of your meeting times with your doctors and nurses...ask questions
  • Take advantage of IBCLC's and breastfeeding counselors at the hospital, doctors office or other health centers
  • Find a free breastfeeding group near you - La Leche League
  • Don't be afraid to voice your concerns
  • Educate yourself prenatally with good information
  • Develop your birth plan and try to stick to it
  • Don't worry about what society or what other people think of you! We were made to breastfeed out babies
  • Send me a message..I'd love to help and answer your questions!

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