Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Licence to Breastfeed!

Breastfeeding your baby is the most beautiful and natural choice and where you choose to nurse is up to you!

In Massachusetts, you are welcome to breastfeed your baby in any public place and it is against the law for someone to harrass or tell you otherwise.

The Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition has done a great job outling the laws for mothers breastfeeding their babies in public places, and also workplace laws.

Check out their website and Get Your Licence to Breastfeeding by clicking the link.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Easier said than done!

Do you ever get one of those "I want to save the world" ideas? Well I think I get one at least once per week.

My most recent and ongoing idea is to initiate some breastfeeding and mothers support groups in my area. I already offer these support groups at my work, and at a few facilities in the area, but these groups although amazingly successful are limited to my clients and the patients of the specific facility where the groups are held.

There are many other places that you can get support in your community but the spaces are usually limited, classes are not offered on a consistent basis or they cost a lot of money. My idea would be to charge a minimum fee (likely to cover the cost of materials and snacks), to have a group on a biweekly basis at a time convenient for new moms, to have it at a comfortable meeting place, maybe a cafe or library where we can have snacks (yes I love snacks!), to facilitate a group which offers clear and need to know information and to provide professional and peer support.

Sounds amazing how do we make this happen!?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Time Magazine...LOVE IT!

I have to admit, I love me some controversy!

Yesterday, TIME Magazine boldly shared a cover photo from their May 21st issue which features an article about tandem nursing (Breastfeeding 2 babies of different ages) and nursing toddlers and how it happens more often than we think. Unfortunately with society and taboo, people don't always share or admit that they are practicing attachment parenting.

I can't say that I am surprised by the negative press it has been getting since it was released but I am surprised on how negative people are in general about breastfeeding in public and the fact that some people are calling breastfeeding and this cover photo somewhat pornographic.

(stepping on my soap box)
If you look at this photo and think it is a little bit unusual or not for you..that's a normal feeling, but if you look at this photo and think of pornography..I think you are the one who needs some help :)! We need to stop thinking of breast and nipples as sexual objects, and start thinking of them for what they really are, milk makers and ways to nourish and nurture our children.
(stepping off my soap box)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Breastfeeding..It Rocks!

I came across this picture below a few months ago as it was trending on Facebook. It made me giggle as  I posted it on my wall and a few co-workers walls...(hehehe)

I wanted to share with you some shocking statistics that I came across when reading an article and another breastfeeding blog about some research done a few years back..
  • 75% of new moms in the US attempt to breastfeed
  • only about 33% of them continue to breastfeed until 3 months
  • only about 13% continue to breastfeed for 6 months
  • 50% of women felt pressured to stop breastfeeding before they wanted to (likely due to society, family, doctors)
  • 1 in 4 women are uncomfortable seeing women breastfeed in public
  • 18% of mom still believe that formula keeps a baby as healthy as breast milk
As an IBCLC these statistics kind of bothered me...I thought to myself, well why is this? Why is the breastfeeding initiation rate in the USA only 75%? Every Mom wants what's best for their baby right?

EDUCATION and SUPPORT are the 2 key are my tips to all you new moms to increase these statistic rates!
  • Take advantage of your meeting times with your doctors and nurses...ask questions
  • Take advantage of IBCLC's and breastfeeding counselors at the hospital, doctors office or other health centers
  • Find a free breastfeeding group near you - La Leche League
  • Don't be afraid to voice your concerns
  • Educate yourself prenatally with good information
  • Develop your birth plan and try to stick to it
  • Don't worry about what society or what other people think of you! We were made to breastfeed out babies
  • Send me a message..I'd love to help and answer your questions!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dads Play an Important Role is Breastfeeding!

Over my years of practice as a breastfeeding specialist and lactation consultant one of the most common questions and concerns I hear from new dad or significant others is..."What can I do if Mommy is breastfeeding?". I think that this is a very legitimate concern as Dad/SO's most likely already feels left out by the process of pregnancy, feeling the baby kick, and the bond Mom instantly formed with baby when she found out she was expecting. After the baby is born breastfeeding is the most natural and amazing thing Mommy can offer to her newborn but that doesn't mean that Daddy doesn't get to participate as well. Here are some things that Dad/SO's can do that are just as special as feedings:
  • Cuddle Your Baby (skin to skin contact)
  • Watch for babies hunger cues - help Mom prepare to breastfeed
  • Take your baby for a walk
  • Give your baby a bath
  • Infant massage (look for free classes on google)
  • Learn how to soothe your baby in other ways (singing, bouncing, cuddling)
  • Help with meals and chores around the house to reduce stress for family
  • Keep Mom company while she is feeding the baby, kiss babies cheeks while they are feeding
These are just a few examples of things that Dad and significant others can do to support, bond, and love their baby after birth!

More Reasons to Breastfeed!

For Baby
1. Reduces the risk of adult obesity
2. Lowers blood pressure
3. Reduces risk of osteoporosis
4. Improves lung function
5. Reduces risk of SIDS
6. Reduces risk of developing allergies
7. Promotes the bond between mom and baby
8. Increases babies IQ
9. Provides immunity
10. It's always available, at the right temperature

For Mommy
1. Lowers blood pressure
2. Less Stress
3. Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis
4. Reduces risk of metabolic syndrome
5. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
6. Breastfeeding burns calories
7. Helps Mom lose weight faster and get back in shape
8. Nighttime feeding are quick and easy
9. Breast milk is free
10. Breast milk is a special gift only you can give your baby